Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I overcame my nerves three Saturdays ago. The pros and cons fought rapidly in my head for moments before my mouth blurted out what I really wanted. Yes.

Funny though, now I know that he's just as nervous as I am and while I'm still nervous and hyper-aware of everything that he does it eases me to know I am not alone in it.

Now, weeks later, I still sit, stalling, nervous, not knowing what to do. It still takes me that minute to bring myself the nerve to go to him. I'm not sure why it's so hard for me. For once it doesn't feel so wrong, the act. But something feels not right, not complete. I'm so confused but in such a knew way that I don't know how to analyze. I am most definitely at a loss. I'll just step back now and go to sleep.

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